Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today we had our first outside meal of the year! The weather was really nice; the sun was shining, and even though the wind was a little chilly I thought it was nice and warm. Apparently Brian and Monkey didn't think so, hence the warm jackets. 

 We grilled some Bratwurst and I made Oma and Opa's Kartoffelsalat (which was almost as good as when they make it). It made us wish we were back in Germany!
  Needless to say, we had a delicious lunch =)  
Monkey also briefly passed out in her swing. Poor thing has a cold which has slowed her down and made her a little cranky. Hope all of you also had a nice weekend!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Calm Before The Storm

In anticipation of the terrible weather we might be having here this afternoon, I wanted to post some pictures of the beautiful weather we had yesterday.  I also want to wish my wonderful dad a very Happy Birthday!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hi Everybody!

So I am going to be totally lame and start a blog that hopefully I will actually update now and then, and you guys will actually read :) I will try to post pictures of The Monkey, and any other fun stuff we do around here in Alabama. Today, by popular demand, I have a picture of my baby belly for all of you. I am now 24 weeks, and the baby should be around 1.5 pounds. She can now hear sounds outside of the womb. Poor thing can probably hear Monk screaming like a maniac all day long, and thinks the world is a crazy place (which it really, truly is). I had a doctors visit yesterday and my doc told me I am a boring patient, which is really a compliment :) Hope everyone is doing well!
Me and Monk at 19 weeks

And  now at 24 weeks